Monday, May 11, 2015

Rehearsing Mugetuft

Yesterday we started rehearsing for a new show. As usual, we started from scratch. That is, since we got the gig, we have been collecting video, photos and sounds in order to use as raw material. Without that it would not have been Mugetuft. Even if the project has grown since Peter Knudsen and myself played our first duo guitar-projector gig three years ago, we still maintain the core idea; that the visual and the audial side of our final expression should be of as equal value as possible. 
June 14 at 11 pm, we are to perform a half hour long piece at the front wall of an old workshop building at the waterfront in the center of Oslo. As it looks now, the show will be a loosely told "story" about life when this shop-dine-and-cappuccino part of modern Oslo was still a big loud shipyard. However, at the core of all we do is improvisation. It is pre-meditated to various extent, but improvised in timing and what pieces of expression is used when, or not used at all.

Check out some of our earlier concerts at Mugetuft.

Welcome to Aker Brygge, verkstedhallen, Oslo, June 14 2015, 11 pm.