Tuesday, January 31, 2006

composition is improvisation

in reality there is no real difference between improvisation and composition. it is our need to understand the world around us and our lives in it that establishes these 2 classes. but they are really only true in language. in fact all music is improvised. when a composer writes a piece of music she is improvising in the most profound meaning of the word. when a so called free improviser improvises he grabs themes and expressions from his "vocabulary" and interprets them there and then. some people believe that they are playing something they call "non idiomatic improvisation", but such does not exist. the idioms are all around and inside us. the fact that you feel your music does not fit into any of the shelves in your local cd store does not mean that your music is freer. very few musicians feel that they fit in to categories. but all of us play on what we carry in our own musical "bag".

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