Thursday, February 02, 2006

back in the 1960ties Semie Moseley built a guitar he called Mosrite Ventures. Yesterday, 50 years later, I had the oportunity to try one for the first time. A friend down the street had bought one from Califorinia and at last it arrived after a long journey over the ocean. The guitar is full of history. The design is strange, and judging from its bruises and scratches it has been played a lot. It is a bit big and heavy, but very vell balanced. It did not feel like a strange new thing but like a guitar I had played many times before. Actually it felt much better holding and playing it than my own ESP Telecaster. The sound is open and has a singing quality to it. An open C chord sounds great and single notes high up on the E-string when played through a clean amp sings better than most guitars at any guitar store. The frets are very low and invite more to legato playing than string bending. Go here to read the history behind the Mosrite.

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